Blinding Light

Läs inte den här boken. Den är seg, tråkig och har det minsta typsnittet i historien. Det har säkert tagit mig ett halvår att läsa ut den... och då har jag ändå läst några sidor varje kväll :S

"Twenty years ago, Slade Steadman wrote Trespassing, a book about travelling that became an instant bestseller. Slade has lived on the royalties ever since - and not published another word.

On a trip to Ecuador with his girlfriend Ava, Slade takes a drug that makes him temporarily blind, yet which unlocks the creativity he has been searching for. Back home in Martha's Vineyard, Slade effortlessly pens a novel that will once more bring him celebrity. But the drug has other, unexpected side-effects: Slade has startling insights into the people around him. Yet with this second sight comes the threat of a more permanent blindness. A sightlessness from which there may be no release..."

And that's it... boken handlar inte om någonting annat. Den är bara tråkig och det hade räckt att bara läsa baksidan. Okej, jag erkänner, vid ett, möjligtvis två tillfällen blir det liiiite spännande. Men annars var det bara att kämpa sig igenom.

Får han tillbaka synen?? Vet ej, förstod inte riktigt slutet. Det var fullt av konstiga metaforer. Han kan ha fått det, men han kan även ha dött och på så sätt fått det (?). Vem vet....

"The fear of all maskwearers is to be unmasked."

Tips: Läs INTE

Eats, Shoots & Leaves

"A panda walks into a cafe. He orders a sandwich, eats it, then draws a gun and fires two shots in the air.

"Why?" asks the confused waiter, as the panda makes towards the exit. The panda produces a badly punctuated wildlife manual and tosses it over his shoulder.

"I'm a panda," he says, at the door. "Look it up."

The waiter turns to the relevant entry and, sure enough, finds an explanation.

"Panda. Large black-and-white bear-like mammal, native to China. Eats, shoots and leaves."

So, punctuation really does matter, even if it is only occasionelly a matter of life and death.


Detta kan tyckas vara den ultimata tråkboken - en bok om engelsk grammatik. Men det är den absoulut inte!! Det är lätt en av de mest underhållande böckerna jag läst på senare tid. Grammatik är ju annars ett ämne som lätt blir väldigt tråkigt men inte här. Olika typer av punctuation behandlas i 7 olika kapitel, det ena mer intressant än det andra. Lynne Truss skriver på ett sätt som håller en intresserad genom hela boken.

Tänkte ge er ett kort avsnitt ur boken. Sid. 129-130 ur kapitlet "Airs and Graces"

"See how the sense changes with the punctuation in this example:

Tom locked himself in the shed. England lost to Argentina.

These two statements, as they stand, could be quite unrelated. They merely tell you two thing´s have happened, in the past tense.

Tom locked himself in the shed; England lost to Argentina.

We can infer from the semicolon that these events occurred at the same time, although it is possible that Tom locked himself in the shed because he couldn't bear to watch the match and therefore still doesn't know the outcome. With the semicolon in place, Tom locking himself in the shed and England losing to Argentina sound like two things that really got on the nerves of someone else. "It was a terrible day, Mum: Tom locked himself in the shed; England lost to Argentina; the rabbit electrocuted itself by biting into the power cable of the washing machine."

Tom locked himself in the shed: England lost to Argentina.

All is now clear. Tom locked himself in the shed because England lost to Argentina. And who can blame him, that's what I say."

It's all about punctuation!!

A woman, without her man, is nothing.
A woman: without her, man is nothing.

Dear Jack,
I want a man who knows what love is all
about. You are generous, kind, thoughtful.
People who are not like you admit to being
useless and inferior. You have ruined me for
other men. I yearn for you. I have no feelings
whatsoever when we're apart. I can be
forever happy - will you let me be yours?
Dear Jack,
I want a man who knows what love is. All
about you are generous, kind, thoughtful
people, who are not like you. Admit to being
useless and inferior. You have ruined me. For
other men I yearn! For you I have no feelings
whatsoever. When we're apart I can be
forever happy. Will you let me be?

Every Lady in this Land
Hath 20 Nails on each Hand;
Five & Twenty on Hands and Feet;
And this is true, without deceit.

(Every lady in this land has twenty nails. On each hand, five; and twenty on hands and feet.)

Hehe.. älskar såna här ordlekar eller vad man ska kalla det. Just dom här är hämtade från en bok som jag håller på att läsa just nu. Återkommer med titel och fullständigt utlåtande så fort jag läst ut den.


The Panda Says NO!

"Mankind's greatest threat... is earth itself"

Hörde talas om en superskum film vid namn "The Core" (2003). Sökte på och hittade bl.a. den här sammanfattningen:

"Scientists discover that the Earth's core is about to stop spinning. This will cause tremendous natural disasters, wiping out life as we know it. A team of scientists are recruited in a crash project to send a ship and bomb into the center of the Earth to prevent the catastrophe."

Sökte sedan på och hittade trailern:

Haha... måste nästan se den...

Bara för att :P

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